......on to kassel for documenta
......okay, deep breath
.........here comes anders in the neuegalerie
......richard with the documenta 7 rally car
......tanaka atsuko's 1956 light bulb dress
......an excellent view of the press at the press view
......the big party is a wash-out -- better luck next time!
......priya makes her foul weather face
......in a taxi back to the hotel
......soulful cover band in the hotel bar
(watch the video on youtube)
......the crowd at the bar goes bonkers
......priya is overcome with emotion
......emotionally drained, we retire to our room
.......man, are my dogs barking
......next stop muenster, and all the hotels are full, so we have to stay out in the sticks
......fortunately we're in riccardo's capable hands
.........the team searches for jeremy deller's project in a community garden
......half of the muenster experience is hacking through the wildnerness in search of the art
......eva meyer and eran schaerf's project requires some explanation
......bruce nauman's homage to depressed squares
......daylight fading, we reluctantly call it a day
......next morning, mike kelley's project lets out a mighty "moooo"
.........giant salt lick with a candy creme center
......priya takes flight
......followed by michele
......dominique gonzalez foerster's muenster mini-golf
......man, isa genzken sure can pump these things out
......after a mad dash to the station, i catch the train to the plane to the train to the bus home