......a few days in the big slushy
......love is a green-eyed bitch
......alex takes me on a tour of underground new york, where people still smoke
......and dance (with help from kevin saunderson)
......and sometimes even use swear words
......waiting for the bus in brooklyn
.........i vow to finally buy a cell phone
......bob fills his metrocard in queens
.........amy's miniature watermelon gum pig (scooped by www.teenageunicorn.com/2007-03.html)
......kim ann deejays at an "l-word" bar in the east village
.........melissa works on her dissertation
......clementine works on her cat nap
......nice dinner in brooklyn with stephanie
.........everything's big in new york -- have you seen the toasters?
......they'll get my video-game gun when they pry it from my cold dead video-game fingers
.........priya plays hookie to meet me for pizza
......back in london, tony's up to the same old tricks
......oscar dons his domestic camouflage
........kerry gets into a stefan bruggemann sculpture
......imagine matt's surprise when the bartender arrived